Fourth of July Plans for People with Dogs 

With Independence Day right around the corner, we all have somewhere to be and plans to look forward to. The food, fireworks, friends, food (yes, I said food twice), and family are what make this day such a joyous one for us humans. 

Us humans without pets, of course. For those of us who are proud owners of dogs or even cats may have other plans in mind when it comes to this patriotic day. With that said, you can still have a tremendous and memorable Fourth of July with your pets, and not be stuck all day indoors. 

Host a Party for Friends with Dogs

I know of all the holidays; decoration is the last thing that comes to mind on this particular day. Most people hang up their American flags, and that’s about it.

But you can have fun setting up your home and inviting some friends over to have a dog-friendly party. I’m talking red, white and blue banners, dog treats, dog movies (except Old Yeller), and maybe even doggie dress up. Just because your dog can’t enjoy the fireworks doesn’t mean they can’t be dressed up. 



Check out these images to help you get an idea of how to get your puppy ready for the holiday (and everyone’s pictures). 

Prepare Icy Treats

July is a hot, HOT month. So, it’s time to brush up on your culinary skills. 

By culinary skills, I do mean placing frozen bananas and peanut butter in a food processor and making popsicles out of them. That way, you can enjoy them, too!  Thanks to the power of Google, you can find hundreds of recipes online that will be dog and human-friendly. Don’t think you need to go all Martha Stewart here. I know you love your pet, and we’re trying to be as patriotic as possible, but let’s keep it simple, buddy.



Oven Baked Tradition has some wonderfully simple recipes that will take you no more than 10 minutes to prepare and will leave your pet pleased and cooled off. 

Keep Them Cool!

Another plan that you can most likely join in on. If you have a large backyard with sprinklers, then it is time to turn them on. Running around in a yard with man’s best friend? If that’s not time used wisely, then what is? 

If you do not own a backyard, have no fear. You can head over to a friend, family’s or city’s public pool. Some allow pets, and some don’t so make sure to call before heading over. Beaches and lakes are another two great places to cool off. 


Swimming is a great way to enjoy the holiday and get your pet in on the fun and away from the blazing sun.

Dog-Friendly BBQ Party with Friends

Instead of hosting a party indoors, you can host one at your nearest park. Everyone can take part in bringing something so it would feel more like a potluck.  You can light up the barbeque, enjoy time with friends, drink to another day of freedom, and sneak your dog a few hotdogs and beef patties. 


A park is an excellent place for your dog to run around and tire out so they won’t be as tense when fireworks start. Be sure to keep your dog hydrated as it will most likely be a humid day. 

Set Up a Dog Play Date

If you’re not comfortable being around several people and their dogs, you can invite a friend or two and have them bring their dogs with them. Not everyone wants to be out and about on such a busy day. This way, you can be in the comfort of your own home, and your dog will have a few buddies to play with. 

Make sure to have a few treats ready for your friends as well. These easy to make drinks will be sure to get you all in the patriotic spirit. 



Take Them to an Assisted Living Center 

Thank you Pedigree for this wonderful tip. July fourth, like many other holidays, is a family gathering holiday. 

Unfortunately, not everyone has a family to be there beside them. If you have some spare time in your schedule, it’s a grand idea to take your dog out and make someone’s day. No matter the holiday, being considerate towards others who don’t have the same privileges as we do is a great thought. 

Stay Indoor When Fireworks Start

This goes without saying, but when the fireworks start, that is your cue to take your pet inside and cuddle up with them. Unlike us, dogs are not fond of fireworks or any loud noises, for that matter. Some dogs may run off to a specific space in the house where they feel safe. If that’s the case, then it’s best to let them be. 

Make sure all windows and doors are closed, and your pet is wearing a collar with an ID in case things don’t go as planned and your pet runs off. 



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By HitchSwitch

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HitchSwitch was born of an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to make life easier. HitchSwitch founder Jake Wolff was in his first year at Fordham Law School, where he toyed with the idea of starting a business and hoped to experience his “Eureka!” moment.
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