Fun Recipes to Cook with Your Significant Other

In the twenty-six years that I have been alive on this planet; I can safely say that food is the number one thing that delivers joy to people like nothing else. It’s a known fact, but really, it does more than that. It sparks a few joyful memories, childhood memories, sad memories, and sometimes even bitter memories.

You get my point. No matter what culture you come from, everyone has a unique way of bonding over food. It’s fun, time-worthy, and if you know what you’re doing in the kitchen, people will ultimately fall head over heels in love with you.

We’re nearing 2020, so trust me when I tell you that the way to anyone’s heart is through their stomach. So what are you waiting for? Get hold of your soulmate and get ready to feel the heat!

New York Strip Steak with Sweet Potato Fries

When we think romantic dinners, our minds tend to stray to candlelit steak dinners. Social media has succeeded in conditioning our mind to think that, at least.

Let’s be honest here; just thinking of a steak dinner for only the two of you is sexy as hell. While some people go to extremes when preparing steak, I can tell you now that a sprinkle of sea salt and freshly cracked pepper will do the trick. Years of watching Gordon Ramsay yell at other chefs for being incompetent; I’ve become somewhat of an expert.


While you can go for regular potato fries, there’s something about sweet potato fries that complements the taste buds. For sides, try something light like an arugula salad or grilled veggies. Wine, of course, is a must.

Steak dinners are inexpensive, require little seasoning, and are thoroughly delicious. What’s more tender than a romantic dinner you’ve cooked up together? To learn how to cook the perfect steak, click here.

Spaghetti & Meatballs

How did I jump from steak dinners to something as juvenile as spaghetti? Steak dinners were pre and post marriage, and spaghetti dinners were post-babies. Yup.

But still, have you seen Lady and the Tramp? Spaghetti should be the original steak dinners. Because spaghetti requires numerous steps, it’s perfect to have your partner to help you out. While placing the pasta in hot water is manageable, the sauce is what makes it perfect.

Taste of Home

Lucky for you, after several attempts of different sauces (and countless, useless hours scrolling through Pinterest), I have the perfect one. You can choose to mold the ground beef into meatballs or leave it as is with the sauce. Because both my kids are under the age of three, I leave it as is. Or because I’m too lazy to shape them.

So whether your home is a kids-free zone or not, cooking up some spaghetti is a great way to spend the afternoon and reminisce about old times.

Stuffed Chicken with Jasmine Rice

One of my personal favorites! A recipe that was passed down from my grandma to my mother and from my mother to moi.

This is a weekly dish in my home because it is easy, delicious, and my husband always lends a hand. It’s our special dish that we enjoy cooking together. When you google stuffed chicken, the results are endless, the ingredient list is too long, and sometimes too fancy.








Recipe 4 Living

Well, fear not, because fancy has no place in my home! All you’ll need is a large chicken and a quarter cup of Calrose rice. We season the rice with salt, pepper, and wait for it, two pinches of cinnamon. I preferably add a diced onion and cut up the liver that comes with the chicken and add it to the mix. Proceed to stuff the chicken, sew it up, and place it in a preheated oven.

Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper have always been my go-to for chicken seasoning. We prefer a side of Jasmine rice with our chicken, but a house salad is a great choice as well, considering it’s already stuffed with rice.


Did someone say pizza party?

Yes, it was me, ready to eat two whole pizzas, if necessary. The one who doubts me will be made a fool. When it comes to making pizza, be distinctive.


King Arthur Flour

Add gouda or ricotta with your mozzarella, choose anchovies as a topping, learn how to make the stuffed crust! If pizza isn’t your thing (impossible), then consider making calzones.

They’re literally pizza burritos.

Homemade Tacos with Pico De Gallo

Yes, I saved the easiest and most fun for last. First order of business: head over to your nearest Ralph’s and purchase some taco seasoning.

The joy in making tacos genuinely comes from putting together your taco. I admit, my tacos always end up being a sort of burrito, but I take comfort in knowing I am not alone. Prepping for tacos is excellent because all you’re doing is dicing tomatoes, cutting up lettuce, and slicing jalapenos while shooting up a conversation with your partner.

Mexican Please

In our home, we make a tahini sour cream dressing that is out of this world, and we add pomegranate (yes, pomegranate) arils to our tacos. Simple, quick, and always leaves you craving more.

For the perfect pico de gallo recipe, click here.

No matter what recipes you come up with, you should know that the quality time you spend with your loved one is all that matters. If the whole point is to be around them, even PB&J sandwiches will do! If this list has taught me one thing, it’s that I should seriously consider starting a food blog. Happy eating!

By HitchSwitch

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HitchSwitch was born of an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to make life easier. HitchSwitch founder Jake Wolff was in his first year at Fordham Law School, where he toyed with the idea of starting a business and hoped to experience his “Eureka!” moment.
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