Outdoor Activities You Can Do With Your Kids

Summertime is prime time for outdoor activities. Unless you live in the South, summer might be the only time you can enjoy the great outdoors. So, now that the warm weather is here, you can capitalize on the sunshine and plan a ton of activities for you to do with your kids.

After a long winter stuck inside, you and your child deserve to experience an exciting and active summer. Here are some ideas to stay active and have fun! 



As adults, we know that warm weather isn’t all fun and games; we have responsibilities. Still, those responsibilities shouldn’t stand in the way of having a good time. There are easy and productive outdoor tasks that your kids can help you with. Not only will they be engaged in the activity, but they will also be helping you out.

Kids love getting dirty, which means they’ll love helping you with gardening. Whether you’re planting fully formed flowers or starting them from seeds, getting your child involved is easy. This is an excellent opportunity to let them learn how gardening works and see their flowers and hard work grow. 

They can also help you clean outside chairs and their summer toys like swing sets. Getting them to clean their toys and outdoor equipment will teach them responsibility while letting them have fun with the hose. Just don’t get mad when they spray you and leave your cell phone inside! 


Just For Fun

Sure, hard work and responsibilities can be outdoor activities, but eventually, your kiddos are going to want to do something fun, and so are you. Get back in touch with your childish side and break out the bubbles. 

Bubbles are a simple outdoor activity that you can turn into something creative. Add food coloring to make different colored bubbles or fill a kiddie pool with the bubble juice and make giant bubbles with a hula hoop. There are tons of bubble hacks on the internet to make them even more fun. 

When you’re in the mood to relax and chill out this summer, consider putting up a tire swing or a hammock. Even better, do both! Take a nap on the hammock while the kids push each other on the tire swing. It’s a win-win all around.

Since it’s the summer, we can’t forget about water-related outdoor activities! Let’s be honest; some of the most fun you can have is spraying everyone with the hose. It’s simple, easy, and refreshing once the temperature hits the triple digits! If that ever gets boring, or you don’t feel like chasing your kids around, get a sprinkler. Sure, they’re made to water your grass, but as a kid, it’s so fun to run through them!

The final water-related outdoor activity is perfect for kids of all ages. Everyone loves a competitive water balloon fight. Let them fill a tub full of water balloons in the backyard and go at it. You can also use this as a creative way to end silly fights between siblings.


Keep Them Busy

It can be hard to keep kids outside these days because they constantly want to run back to their phones, computers, and iPads, but if you create time-consuming activities that keep them engaged, it’ll be easier to keep them off their screens. If you do a great job, they might even lose track of how long it’s been since they checked their notifications. 

One way to keep them occupied is with a scavenger hunt. You can create one in your backyard or get the neighborhood kids involved. If you want them to stay engaged, tell them that whoever wins gets a prize like choosing that night’s dinner. 

You can get hours or even days of fun out of a big pack of chalk. It’s fun to get on the ground and be creative. Create designs and draw with your kids, and then once that gets dull, switch it up. Play tic-tac-toe, hang-man, hop-scotch, or come up with a whole new sidewalk activity. The possibilities are pretty endless.

Here’s an obvious outdoor activity, sports! Playing catch, basketball, and throwing a football around can be a great bonding experience for you and your kids. The same goes for riding your bikes, jumping rope, and even learning how to hula hoop. Parents and kids bond over sports every day, and it’s an amazing way to keep your kids outside. 

If you have kids who are too young to play sports or are not athletically inclined, they don’t have to miss out on the physical activity. Games like manhunt, freeze tag, and hide and seek are all classic childhood games that can be a lot of fun with an adult, especially if the adult is willing to always be the seeker.


Adult Supervision

Of course, some of the best things in life can be dangerous, so these outdoor activities should have consistent adult supervision. It’s not that any of these activities are inherently hazardous or that you should be concerned, but some extra care and attention never hurt! 

First, you can have a campfire or bonfire. This is a classic summertime activity that the whole family can get excited about. Tell your musically inclined kid to bring their guitar down and have a family sing-along. At the very least, make sure you have the supplies for s’mores. 

Pools are also a classic activity. They’re a no-brainer! Everyone loves relaxing in a pool on a sunny day in July, and the small inflatable pools are getting more affordable every year. Maybe pools aren’t your thing, and that’s fine. Take the kids to your local creek or river and go searching for different types of wildlife. 


Even if you take them to the park for a picnic or to climb a tree, it will be good for you and your family to go outside and enjoy the nice weather. The quality time you’ll spend together, and the memories you make will be priceless. So, get out there and enjoy some of these outdoor activities! 

By HitchSwitch

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HitchSwitch was born of an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to make life easier. HitchSwitch founder Jake Wolff was in his first year at Fordham Law School, where he toyed with the idea of starting a business and hoped to experience his “Eureka!” moment.
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