
Back To School: Easy After School Activities

Finding easy after-school activities can be challenging, especially if you’re a working parent or if you have several kids at different skill levels. Thankfully, activities don’t have to be complicated to be fun. Your child probably doesn’t want to think that hard after a long day at school anyway, so the easier, the better. The activity you choose should depend on the child’s skill level, age...

Outdoor Activities You Can Do With Your Kids

Summertime is prime time for outdoor activities. Unless you live in the South, summer might be the only time you can enjoy the great outdoors. So, now that the warm weather is here, you can capitalize on the sunshine and plan a ton of activities for you to do with your kids. After a long winter stuck inside, you and your child deserve to experience an exciting and active summer. Here are some...

How To Keep Your Kids Focused On Virtual Learning

The pandemic has been brutal on everyone, but it’s been the hardest on the children. Kids need a stimulating and structured environment to thrive in an educational setting, and they have not been given that setting in over a year now. While they’re great at adapting, staying focused on virtual learning will always be difficult.  Now that an entire year of virtual learning has passed, teachers and...

Fun Valentines Day Activities for Kids 

Valentine’s Day has to be one of the most satisfying days of the year to get crazy creative. As adults, we don’t usually have the time to sit at a table and create anything by hand, unfortunately. But with children, well…they have all the time in the world. When I volunteered part-time at a daycare center for children in high school, Valentine’s Day was the hype. Children...

Outdoor Activities To Check Off Your Summer Bucket List

Summer is great. The kids are out of school, the weather is hotter, there seems like there’s nothing to do yet for some reason, your to-do list keeps growing longer and the day seems never to end.  Unfortunately, nowadays, the majority of people would rather spend their days inside with the air conditioning blasting on high. If you’re not a parent, you might have your own plans on how...

DIY Activities for Kids This Summer

It is finally summertime, my good folks, and temperatures this year have been record-breaking. It is hot, humid, and sticky!  Before giving birth to the most amazing kids in the world, my usual summer plans would be me in a bathing suit, stretched out in the backyard, getting a tan.  Now…well, now it’s just more fun (and noisier…and messier). Still, I wouldn’t change it...

About US

HitchSwitch was born of an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to make life easier. HitchSwitch founder Jake Wolff was in his first year at Fordham Law School, where he toyed with the idea of starting a business and hoped to experience his “Eureka!” moment.
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2001 Route 46
Suite 301
Parsippany, NJ 07054
(844) 639-6263