CategoryHS Love Stories

Nicole & Angad

How did you meet? We met in 2008 at a local ice cream store in the town I grew up in. My best friend was dating someone who worked there and he was friends with my husband who happened to be at the ice cream store that night visiting. We had stopped by on the way home from the gym and never thought he was even remotely interested in me. But, on the way home my best friend got a text asking for my...

Katelin & Ryan

How did you meet? We met through a friend at a concert at Antone’s (local Austin, TX venue). First or favorite date? Any live music! How did he propose? Our dog was dressed in a tuxedo, rose petals leading up the stairs and there he was all dressed up with flowers and a ring! Most difficult part of wedding planning process? Registering! How did you decide on a wedding venue? Our venue, Mercury...

Courtney & Matt

How did you meet? We met in college, over summer break we were both working at an ice cream store (Bruster’s) and it was magic ever since! First or favorite date? Although we had many unofficial first dates, our official first date was to Olive Garden (I know, so cheesy) and to the movies where we showed up late and were forced to sit in the front row and break our necks looking at up at...

Chelsea & Martin

  How did you meet? Martin and I met on Tinder! Back when tinder was still new!! Apparently, his friend stole his phone and swiped yes to about 200 girls and I think I was one of them. We matched and I didn’t write him right away cuz I wanted him to write me. He didn’t, so one night I was home and told my roommate there is this really cute guy but he hasn’t written to me, she...

About US

HitchSwitch was born of an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to make life easier. HitchSwitch founder Jake Wolff was in his first year at Fordham Law School, where he toyed with the idea of starting a business and hoped to experience his “Eureka!” moment.
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2001 Route 46
Suite 301
Parsippany, NJ 07054
(844) 639-6263