COVID Safe Labor Day Weekend Getaways

Cabin Fever has been setting in for a few months now. No matter how beautifully decorated your home is, you’re getting sick and tired of looking at it. Thankfully, Labor Day is coming up and it’s the perfect excuse to getaway for the weekend. 

Your typical Labor Day getaways might not be available this year, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have options. Here are a few ways that you can enjoy the holiday while staying safe.

Go Camping

If you’re in the need for a complete reset, you need to get in touch with nature. Camping is one of the only ways you can completely disconnect from the world. Nature is one of the only things that remains unchanged because of the pandemic. That will give you a sense of normalcy again.

For your first time camping, you can set up at a camping ground. It’s a predesignated camping area that has everything you need for a safe and fun camping experience. Camping veterans can take their chances by finding their own spot in the woods. If you want to get really crazy, you can go backpacking and rely on your natural instincts while you spend a few nights deep in the forest. 

The best part about camping is that it gives you the chance to completely isolate from everyone else. Once you’re out there, you don’t have to worry about exposure or if other people are wearing their masks. Camping is the definition of social distancing.




Go On A Road Trip

Driving is the best mode of transportation to avoid COVID-19 exposure. Planes, trains, and literally any public transportation all come with a risk, so why do it? There are a million different drivable destinations where you will have a great time while staying safe. 

Driving also happens to be the best way to find new and interesting sites off the beaten path. Take a day, or take the whole weekend, to drive around your part of the country. Now is the time to go see that weird sight-seeing attraction in your state. Whether it’s the world’s biggest ball of yarn or a giant duck statue, this is your opportunity to finally see it.

Go the extra mile and spring for an RV. It will enhance your road trip in ways you would have never imagined. RV’s are like having a vacation home on wheels. It’s an amazing experience everyone should have at least once.

If you want to travel out of state, keep an eye on their COVID cases. Don’t travel somewhere that could put you in a risky situation. No destination is more important than your health.

Vacation Home

If you’re lucky enough to have a vacation home, you have to take advantage of it. Stay for as long as you can and enjoy the change of scenery. The best part is that it feels as comfortable as when you’re home, you won’t feel like a guest or out of place.

Of course, not everyone has a vacation home, but you can always rent one! Rental sites have very clear COVID-19 guidelines that help maintain safety standards for the guests and owners. Read the fine print to ensure that it’s up to your safety standards. 

You deserve a romantic getaway to reconnect with your partner. You also need time away to reconnect with yourself. Vacation homes are a no pressure way to enjoy a responsibility free and socially distant trip.

Rent A Boat

Living near a body of water can be a game changer when you’re looking to get away. Boat life is not only a fun and different way to escape the repetitiveness of your home, but it’s a blast! The fresh air and the breeze off the water can’t be beaten. 

If you rent the right boat, you can spend the entire weekend on the water. All you really need is a bathroom, a bed, and a place to put your food and drinks. Then you’re ready to have an amazing time! 

This might even be a better option than a vacation home. Check the guidelines for your area before renting. Oh, and don’t forget the sea-sickness medicine. A rocky boat shouldn’t ruin your Labor Day getaway.

Head To The Beach

Sailing isn’t for everyone and boats might not be your thing, but the water is still beautiful. The beach is a classic getaway spot for couples, friends, and families. It’s a simple day trip, but it can be just what the doctor ordered.

Labor Day signals the end of the summer, which also means the end of beach days. Take advantage of the lifeguards and sunshine while you still can.

Camping or RVing on the beach is an option too! Campsites aren’t limited to the woods or national parks. Beaches cater to campers and give you the opportunity to catch the sunset and sunrise on the water. 

The COVID Friendly Staycation

I know you don’t want to stay at home but depending on where you live you might not have another choice. It’s tough in the world right now and a getaway might not be the best option for you. No problem, there are ways to switch things up and make a staycation exciting. 

Set up a tent or a pillow fort in your living room or your backyard. You don’t have to leave your house to get the camping experience. Camping at home could even be a better option then really going camping because you’ll be able to use a real bathroom.

Staycations are affordable and easy ways to unwind and enjoy Labor Day. Good decorations and optimism are all you need to make your staycation a memorable one. Don’t forget, even though you’re home, you should still take off from work. Put your phone away and set boundaries so it will actually feel like a staycation.

You Deserve This

The stress has been building since March and you need a serious break. These COVID safe Labor Day getaways are stress-free and feasible for anyone who is looking to take a little vacation. It’s time for you to let loose and enjoy the last few days of summer. 

By HitchSwitch

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HitchSwitch was born of an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to make life easier. HitchSwitch founder Jake Wolff was in his first year at Fordham Law School, where he toyed with the idea of starting a business and hoped to experience his “Eureka!” moment.
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