5 Ways to Ensure a Fun, Memorable Summer

Ah, summer. Childhood memories come flooding back, reminding you that the only fun break you had as a child was indeed in the summer. There were no responsibilities, no errands to run, no assignments due. Just you and your friends chasing down the ice-cream truck and chilling in the pool at the YMCA. 

I’m sure if you can turn back time, you would, but being an adult isn’t so bad. For one, you can finally take a sip of beer when grandpa offers it without your parents going at it with him. 


Curfew? Nope. You can also stay up as late as you want. I mean, you probably want to be in bed by nine or ten at most cause you’re exhausted, and your ten-step skincare routine takes quite some time. You know it’s worth it, though, because when you hit thirty (yikes, I know), people will be like, “what? You don’t look thirty!” You’ll know that’s all thanks to the Korean skincare routine you’ve acquired off a sixteen-year-old on TikTok. 

So yay! Trust me, summer as an adult is great. I think. I haven’t left my house since the second kid popped out…

I kid (kind of). Promise yourself that this summer, you’re going to create awesome memories, try something new, take risks, and have the time of your life. As tempting as it sounds, a shopping spree at Target is not an adventure. 

Grab your polaroid and adventure stream; it’s time for some fun. 

Mom, Take Me to Venice!

Having been born around the ocean, raised around the ocean, and spent over half my time in the ocean, it’s safe to say that I love the ocean. When summer delivers the heat, grab your surfboard, and head over to the beach. Now, I know it sounds tacky because everyone’s at the beach this time of year, but is everyone there at four in the morning? 


You heard me; my mom would drive me to Venice beach at four in the morning to avoid crowds, swim, and practice surfing. What makes this impossibly early adventure so great and memorable? Without doubt, the sunrise, calmness of the ocean, the whooshing of the waves, and chance to meditate in peace. 

Imagine having a whole ocean to yourself for a couple of hours- the things you can do! Even if you’re not an avid swimmer, I guarantee that sitting at the shore and observing the other surfers prepare for their day is one of the coolest things you can do in the summer. 

I Forgot the Question, but Camping Is the Answer

I once read a quote that said, “time camping isn’t time spent- it’s invested.” 

You want to get away from your modern, industrious city life; then, I may know what might help you reconnect with what truly matters and disconnect from all the noise you’ve decided to leave behind. 

As we age, we’re more turned on by solitude, quietness, and the perfect “get away” from our current lives. There’s a whole psychology behind this, but we’ll save that topic for a rainy day. The point is that basking in nature has proven nothing but good for the body and soul, and what better time than summer? 


This is your chance to clear your mind, inhale some authentic, fresh air, get grounded with mother nature, and realign with your original purpose. Hey, what says fun more than healing your soul, being around a campfire eating s’ mores and drinking a margarita? 

We Have That? Here?!

A friend once called me up and asked me if I wanted to join him on a tour of the city. At first, I was confused and a bit skeptical- a tour of our town? We grew up here! Out of pure boredom, I agreed and joined him and a few buddies on a tour of Los Angeles. 

Holy crap, how have I never been to The Bradbury Building? How have I never heard of the Hollywood Forever Cemetery? I was more intrigued than actual tourists! I captured over three hundred photos on just two hours of touring! Imagine if I spent a whole day exploring the city I called home? 



The point I’m trying to get across is you don’t have to do anything out of this world to have a great time. What you’re looking for can literally be right under your nose. 

Take a Risk

When I was ten, I witnessed a group of men jumping off a cliff and into the ocean. I immediately went to my dad and begged him to let me do the same thing which he retaliates with “it’s too dangerous honey, those people are crazy” or “when you get older, you can do that, too” or “we’ll eventually go.” 

Spoiler alert, I never got to go on a safari even though it was all I talked about for five years. You say you’ll eventually do it, but as you age, you allow life to get in the way, and you don’t do anything. 


Aren’t you sick of spending all your “fun” nights at Applebee’s? Think of something that scares the living crap out of you and do it this summer. Scuba diving? Taking a ride in a hot air balloon? Traveling to a foreign country? Skiing in Alberta? Going on a damn safari?

When we do something that’s out of our comfort zone, it tends to stick with us for the rest of our life and allows space for change. 

Let Laziness Win 

You heard, right. Do nothing. I mean, you can build a hammock and fall asleep under the stars, which is excellent. But if lying in bed and watching Netflix all day is your thing, then go for it. Maybe you’ve had a tough year, and nothing is what you’ve been looking forward to doing. Believe me; I am the last person to judge. 

Have a safe summer, everyone!


By HitchSwitch

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HitchSwitch was born of an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to make life easier. HitchSwitch founder Jake Wolff was in his first year at Fordham Law School, where he toyed with the idea of starting a business and hoped to experience his “Eureka!” moment.
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