
The Most Creative Couple’s Halloween Costumes

My good folks, we are nearing the end of September! Or as I like to call it- pre-October. Time is literally flying by; it seemed like it was only yesterday we were firing up our barbeques for Labor Day weekend. So we all know what October means, right? All-hallow-tide, Hallowmas, All Hollow’s Eve, or whatever you want to call it! The month of Halloween is upon us. Yes, it’s the last day of...

MissKenzieRae’s Guide to HitchSwitch

Wondering if our service is right for you? Lifestyle Blogger and HitchSwitch client, Kenzie recently shared a breakdown of her name change experience that we wanted to share. Kenzie got married earlier this year at a golf resort in beautiful, South Carolina. On her blog, she recorded all the details of her big day and shared some gorgeous wedding photos. We love this post on her...

Exercise Classes To Try Before The Wedding Day

The majority of those in the industry of making brides look good for their wedding day would perhaps offer this piece of wedding day advice to the bride to be; You want to be the prettiest version of yourself as possible on your wedding day…We are sipping that kool-aid, or in this case that Kale, Almond milk, and Banana Smoothie, and would add to that adage, a bride on her wedding day...

Say, I and Repeat After Me: I Would Do anything for love, but, I Won’t do THAT, (Cash bar thing to my guests)

Say, I and Repeat After Me: I Would Do anything for love, but, I Won’t do THAT, (Cash bar thing to my guests) Over here at HitchSwitch, we have weddings and ways to streamline the wedding process on our brain 25/8. We are beginning to think we have uncovered what “that” is regarding the fuzzy Meatloaf lyrics, “I would do anything for love but, I won’t do THAT.” I think what Meaty is crooning...

No Babysitter, No Babies Yet, Bucket List

We get it, you are busy, you are married now, settling in, learning how to compromise, (he wants Will Ferrell movies, you want “Will You Grow up” movies, that are actually called documentaries). You are splitting responsibilities, (you cook and not only do you have “your lists,” you have “our lists…” You have so many lists, even your lists have a list, but making a bucket list...

Things You Never Thought to Take Care of After the Big Day

After you’re married you might think that your to-do list is finally finished, right? No more planning meetings or last-minute fittings that clutter up your schedule. Well, sorry to break it to you, but you’re not off the hook just yet. In fact, there are a lot of time-sensitive tasks you should plan on taking care of pretty soon after the big day. So snap out of your marital bliss fog and take...

First Things First: What To Do When You Get Engaged

You’re engaged! *Cue confetti* The question has been popped, your dream ring is on your hand and you might be so overwhelmed with emotions you don’t know where to begin. First, let it sink in that you’re marrying the love of your life and take a moment to celebrate! If you’re feeling anxious to start planning (but don’t know where to start) you’ve come to the right place. Here’s what your first...

7 Unique Bachelorette Parties

There are endless possibilities to make a bachelorette party so much more than just a night out with the girls. This is your opportunity to plan a party that reflects the bride and create memories that you will remember for years to come. If you’re planning a bachelorette party for a one-of-a-kind bride, you’ll need a one-of-a-kind idea! Here’s a list of bachelorette party ideas you might not...

Newlyweds Guide to First Time Home Buying

The wedding chaos is over, you’ve binge-watched every episode of House Hunters on record, and now you might be thinking you’re ready to start the search for your newlywed nest. Whether you’re ready to buy now or being homeowners is a goal for the future, it’s good to start exploring the process early on. Reading up on home-buying and looking into all of your options will help you down the road...

What No One Tells You About Changing Your Name

Planning a wedding leads to a mixed bag of emotions. On one hand, you’re filled with excitement, about to marry the love of your life surrounded by your friends and family. On the other hand, you’ve never been so stressed trying to balance finding invitations with cake tastings, dress fittings and a million other details. The last thing you want to do is spend hours filling out paperwork and on...

About US

HitchSwitch was born of an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to make life easier. HitchSwitch founder Jake Wolff was in his first year at Fordham Law School, where he toyed with the idea of starting a business and hoped to experience his “Eureka!” moment.
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2001 Route 46
Suite 301
Parsippany, NJ 07054
(844) 639-6263