Meghan Markle has joined the list of celebrities who want their child to lead a normal life. The Duchess of Sussex and Suits star gave birth to a healthy baby boy on Monday, the sixth of May at 5:26 AM. According to their official Instagram account, the royal couple has named the boy Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. Yes, it all sounded very American up until that last bit right there. Before...
Game of Thrones Character Development over the past 8 Seasons
Here at HitchSwitch, we know the significant value behind a name. Whether it’s a name given to us at birth, a name we’ve chosen for ourself, or a name we’ve taken from our partner, we know a name is a whole identity. It is how people come to know us, to identify us, and to remember us. The value a name holds goes beyond the characters it consists of. A great example of the importance of name can...
Must-Have Furniture for Newlyweds That Most Couples Miss
Every week, my husband and I reserve two days for movie night, but since he was out of town, I spent my movie night at a girlfriend’s house. Whoever hasn’t watched The Revenant needs to get on that right now. I’m dead serious, you guys, I’m basically a survival expert now.. Anywho, as I was watching Leo eat raw buffalo meat (spoiler alert), I noticed something I usually...
Financial Tips as a New Married Couple
You know that part in every wedding ceremony where the priest or rabbi or best friend goes, “…to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health…” and you’re standing there thinking “please God, the richer and health part sounds amazing, let’s go with that”. I’ve been there, you’ve been there. Let’s be honest, here. It...
Color Me Green! St. Patrick’s Day Activities
Saint Patrick’s Day. A day where everyone is seen wearing a green shirt with the quote “Kiss Me I’m Irish.” Unless you’re a six-year-old, then you’ve just been coloring in leprechauns and making pots of gold out of construction paper. Do you think those people actually know the history behind St. Paddy’s Day or is it just an excuse to get totally sh*t faced? I mean, it was the...
Homemade Valentine’s Day Gifts
Homemade Valentine’s Day Gifts In our last article, we talked about throwing an incredible Valentine’s Day party, and I’m sure if you read that article, then your Valentine’s day party was the talk of the town. Now, while your local Target is probably overfilled with human-sized teddy bears at the moment, there’s always something about homemade gifts that hold more sentimental meaning to what...
How to Throw a Valentine’s Day Party
Holy moly, can you guys believe we’re already in February? I swear just yesterday was New Year’s, and I was toasting to a more productive year, and here I am wondering what the hell happened to January. Well, in the words of Anthony G. Oettinger, “Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.” Get it? One of the perks of growing old is finding anything and everything amusing. via GIPHY...
How to Host a Super Bowl Party?
Where I come from, football is played with the feet, not hands. In fact, if you were to describe American football to a foreigner, they wouldn’t think much of it because, um hello, its 300-pound men in tights chasing each other for an oddly shaped ball. So, yes, even I can admit that I know zilch about football except for the name Tom Brady, whose face dominated my Instagram feed thanks to all...
Five Things to Remind Your Spouse
Every. Single. Day. Women. We love to be appreciated. It’s an ancient fact, really, and I’m pretty sure there’s some hardcore evidence to back up that statement. While it’s always nice to be complemented by random strangers and family members, there’s always that one person (looking at you, partner) whose opinion matters the most. We may not always hear it from them so sometimes you have to...
Holiday Activities That are a Must
Holidays are expensive. Therefore, they can absolutely suck sometimes. Hey, I’m one of the broke and humble ones. I still got holiday shopping to do; I’m hosting this year’s Christmas dinner, I haven’t gotten a tree or decorations, and my list goes on and on…and on. While the hectic atmosphere that comes with the holidays makes you wonder why we have them in the first place, there are some things...