TagLegal Name Change

Wedding Insurance: Is It Worth Having?

Weddings.  We love them, right? For many of us, it’s one of the biggest -and possibly happiest- days of our lives.  The road to planning a wedding…well, it’s a bumpy road full of headaches, tears, and uncertainty. There’s some joy in there somewhere, but let’s be honest, everything settles after the wedding. The result is a beautiful ceremony celebrating the love of two souls...

How to Prepare for Life After Quarantine

With the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly spreading throughout the world, no one is certain of what’s to happen in the next couple of weeks, months, and possibly years. Hopefully, it never reaches that extent, and life can resume to how it was sooner than later.  The last few months have taken their toll on individuals, mentally, physically, and financially. According to NBC News, “The coronavirus...

Best Workout Channels to Keep You Fit (At Home)

With summer rapidly approaching, many of us are beginning to change our habits to achieve that front cover of a magazine “summer bod.” Maybe it’s due to temperatures quickly rising, everyone posting their weight loss journey in quarantine, or perhaps you decided it’s time to take out that bikini you repurchased a few years back.  You admit you’ve put on a few extra pounds...

8 Creative (+ Romantic) Indoor Dates

With everyone around the world still on lockdown, couples everywhere are forced to make the best out of their situation while staying indoors. Many are celebrating their anniversaries from the comfort of their couch, and others have brought out their creative side to keep the romance sparkling.  Believe it or not, indoor dates with your partner are a great way to reconnect on a more intimate...

How to Keep Busy at Home During a Pandemic 

This may be slightly difficult to believe, but there are hundreds of things you can do in quarantine other than watching TikTok all day. With thousands of events around the world being postponed or canceled, people are instructed to stay home whether or not they show the implication of illness. It’s safe to say that self-quarantining can take a toll on mental health, especially on extroverts and...

Need to Postpone a Wedding? 

Here’s How It’s safe to say so far; this year’s been a bust. The whole world has shut down due to the Coronavirus’s rapid spread. It’s a frightening time for all of us as the majority of us under quarantine sit and wait for a vaccine. The outcome of this pandemic has done irreversible damage! Significant events from all over the globe have been canceled or postponed...

How Retreats Can Change Your Life

Yoga, meditation, wellness retreats- whatever you prefer to call it- are escapes that can alter and reshape your life in ways you can’t imagine. Retreats mean to take you away from the hecticness of your life and grant you 1-4 weeks (sometimes months) to reconnect with your body, mind, and spirit. Activities vary depending on where you are headed in life, but the result is the same: they allow...

Creative Ways to Include Your Kids in Your Wedding Photos

Whether it’s getting married, remarried, or renewing your vows, incorporating your children into your wedding photos is a great way to bond and create everlasting memories. If you are remarrying and your partner has older children, it can be tough to gain their trust and approval. Weddings are celebrations of the relationship you are creating and committing to not only your partner but their...

COVID-19 Daily Schedule for Children

It’s safe to say none of us are having the year we were anticipating. Pandemic and quarantine are two words I never thought I’d hear in my lifetime, but here we are. With the Coronavirus hastily spreading over several regions, many states are calling for their residents to stay indoors, desensitize constantly, and limit physical contact. Establishments-including schools- have been ordered to...

Rehearsal Dinner Etiquette: 

It’s a Real Thing I know what you’re thinking: people still make rehearsal dinners? Why not just city hall and be done with the whole thing in an hour or less? Aside from the wedding day itself, a rehearsal dinner is a perfect way for the couple’s family to get acquainted. Traditionally, these events are held the evening before the wedding, but the timing is not set in stone. Luckily, you...

About US

HitchSwitch was born of an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to make life easier. HitchSwitch founder Jake Wolff was in his first year at Fordham Law School, where he toyed with the idea of starting a business and hoped to experience his “Eureka!” moment.
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2001 Route 46
Suite 301
Parsippany, NJ 07054
(844) 639-6263