TagMarriage Name Change Solution

Wedding Trends In 2021

The 2020 pandemic changed weddings as we know them, and honestly, I don’t think that’s a bad thing! It’s about time weddings had a major update. Hopefully, these 2021 wedding trends are here to stay. It’s time for lowkey and intimate weddings to become the norm.  via GIPHY Lowkey Weddings Due to the pandemic’s new regulations, couples are opting for smaller and more intimate weddings. COVID...

How To Make Valentine’s Day Special In 2021

This year’s Valentine’s Day will look different, just like every other holiday or special occasion in the past 365 days. That means you need to put in extra thought, time, and effort to make it special. Going out to a fancy restaurant isn’t going to feel as romantic or glamorous when your mask smears your lipstick. You might need to make adjustments to your usual plans.  Now, this is when you...

How To Honeymoon In 2021

You’ve gotten married during the pandemic. Now, it’s time for you to honeymoon during it too. Right off the bat, it seems overwhelming and nearly impossible to have the honeymoon of your dreams, but there’s still hope.  With the right idea, a lot of planning, and some research, you can still have a fantastic honeymoon. It might even be better than what you would have originally planned. The...

Keeping Up With Your New Year’s Resolutions 

It’s that time of the new year where everyone is trying to better themselves and improve their life. Some are successful, but most aren’t. That’s because 90% of new year’s resolutions are based in idealism instead of reality.  Please, keep your promise to yourself so you can finish 2021 with all of your goals achieved. Here are some helpful tips to get you on the right path to a successful...

What Should You Do With Unwanted Gifts?

You told your friends and family you’re decluttering your house and that you would appreciate it if they only got you what you needed instead of unwanted gifts. They didn’t listen, and now you’re stuck with a duplicate hairdryer, a bunch of home décor you have no room for, and a flashlight that you have no idea what to do with.  Of course, you’re grateful for the gift and that they got you...

How To Celebrate The Holidays In 2020

Everything looks different this year, and the holidays are no exception. All festive activities have changed, from shopping for gifts to having a big dinner. Adjustments need to be made to keep everyone safe and jolly. Here are some realistic tips on how to navigate the holidays in 2020.  via GIPHY Within Your Household Or Bubble This year, the best thing you can do for your family is to keep...

The Best And Worst Holiday Gifts To Give This Year

This year the holiday season is going to feel very different. A lot has changed in the past year, so it stands to reason that holiday gifts have changed too. Here’s a rundown on the best and worst gifts to give somebody in 2020.   The Best Some holiday gifts are always loved and appreciated. If you gift an item from this part of the list, you won’t go wrong. They are guaranteed to make the...

Winter Home Décor 

Winter doesn’t end after the holidays. The months before spring arrives should get just as much decorating attention as the rest of the year. It’s time for snowball fights and evergreen trees to have their moment. Convert your home into a winter wonderland with these winter home décor tips. via GIPHY Outdoor Decor Take advantage of the area near your front door; it sets the tone for the rest of...

Non-Traditional Wedding Components 

Take what you like and leave what you don’t. Non-traditional means that you’re probably not going to be fond of everything on this list, but if you find one thing to incorporate into your big day, it’s been a success. via GIPHY CEREMONY The first, and arguably most important, part of a wedding is the ceremony. It’s one of the most important moments in your entire life, and it should be unique to...

Side Dishes That Will Impress Your Family During the Holidays 

Every year it’s the same food at the same table on the same day. Everyone is a little bored, but no one is willing to admit it. Impress your family and friends by bringing a brand new holiday side dish to the table this year. If you don’t know what to bring, here are some tasty options that everyone will love.  via GIPHY Chipotle Cheddar Biscuits with Fresh Basil Canned biscuits are delicious...

About US

HitchSwitch was born of an entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to make life easier. HitchSwitch founder Jake Wolff was in his first year at Fordham Law School, where he toyed with the idea of starting a business and hoped to experience his “Eureka!” moment.
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2001 Route 46
Suite 301
Parsippany, NJ 07054
(844) 639-6263